Personalized, high quality instruction...
Student feedback indicates they appreciate our personalized high quality instruction, our beautiful wine country location, and our attention to their needs.
Students also enjoy the small Group classes, Adult One to One and Children One to One private classes, the Combination classes (combining Group + 3 hours of weekly private tutoring), and our special Family & 2:1 courses. The opportuities to converse with locals in Sancerre also help students put into immediate practice concepts they have learned in class.
Coeur de France's high quality accommodations are also a favorite, especially our studio, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments in the school chateau or short walk away.
Add to this our interesting optional excursions and activities, including behind-the-scenes winery visits and tastings, and you can begin to see the difference that makes Coeur de France unique!

Who are Coeur de France students?
They’re adults (except for the Children’s One to One program and the children having a Family Program with their families) who come to seriously study French in a relaxed and fun environment. Some come to study for their job, others come simply for the love of the language. Still others come just to try a new and different kind of vacation holiday.

From where do they come and how long do they stay?
Most are from North America and the UK. Australia and New Zealand are also well represented. The rest come from Europe and some from Asia and Africa. The average stay is from 2 to 4 weeks, but many students stay up to 8 weeks or more. Others with more limited time may stay only 1 week.

What about age?
All are adults, 16 or above, except for the children who come with their families for the special Family Program (where the minimum age is 6).
Most Group, Combination and One to One students typically range 35 to 80years-old with most being somewhere between 45 - 75. However, statistics don’t really tell the whole story. We have many retired persons as well as some fourth year university students.
No matter your age or where you call home, you’re sure to fit in!

A bientôt à Coeur de France !